Fuel efficitency improvement of 1.5% p.a. on average between 2009 and 2020
Carbon-neutral growth from 2020
50% net emissions reduction in 2050 vs. 2005
Let us help your team pull on one string.
It all starts with you and a consistent mindset across your entire organization.
Equip your teams now with the knowledge that ensures you get advice you can trust.
In this tailored workshop your teams will learn about:
Environment and sustainability team Understand the holistic integration of SAF into regular operations including how to manage all the environmental considerations
Legal Gain awareness of the considerations when contracting with new suppliers including policy, fit-for-purpose and sustainability considerations
Corporate Communication Understand what aspects of sustainable aviation fuel is relevant to promote to customers and the wider public, including initiatives occurring at the global level
Treasury and Finance Understand the common financial terms of SAF agreements including potential embedded hedging value
Engineering and Maintenance Learn about the physical properties of sustainable aviation fuel and how this co mingles with conventional aviation fuel
Government Affairs How does sustainable aviation fuel connect with government policies and compliance under international and domestic emissions reductions schemes.
Infrastructure facilities Does implementing SAF impact airport agreements or require new or different airline maintenance infrastructure strategy
Fuel Procurement Who supplies SAF. How could future procurement decision be impacted by the global introduction of SAF and scenario where airports provide SAF in the common distribution system to all airlines.